Monday, October 6, 2014

Do you need help with healthcare?

With the fall colors, we are entering another season of change. Open enrollment is just around the corner for healthcare. Whether you are on Medicare, and want to check options for a Medigap, and/or a PDP (Prescription Drug Plan), or you have been thinking about a different Medicare Advantage policy, now is the time to make changes. Medicare open enrollment is from Oct. 15-Dec. 7. When you make a change, the new policy will take effect Jan. 1, 2015. You can also make a change to your personal or family health plan this fall. Open enrollment for affordable healthcare is from Nov. 15 - Feb. 15, 2015. If you want to make a change in the plan you chose last year, you can have it in effect for Jan. 1 if you sign up by Dec. 15. Didn’t sign up for healthcare last year, but still interested? You have until Feb. 15, 2015 to sign up for coverage in 2015. There are more plans available this year. Open enrollment is the time to see if you are eligible for any tax credits and/or subsidies to help offset the cost. We have many options whether we look on or off the marketplace. Call for an appointment with Jan Shaffer, CIC, Certified Insurance Counselor, who is our health and life coordinator. You can also email her at She can help you navigate through all the choices and find the best healthcare fit for you and your family.