Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seasonal Dwelling Winterization Checklist

Vacation homes can be at higher risk, and require special attention when occupancy slows or ends for the season.

v       Turn off water at it’s supply point or turn off electricity to the well if applicable
v       Maintain heat when not fully winterizing – at least 58 degrees to prevent furnace flue buildup – turn off the heat if the dwelling is fully winterized
v       Remove perishable foods
v       Drain the water lines and traps – especially water supply lines
v       After draining, leave the valves open so residual water can evaporate
v       Add antifreeze to hot water heating systems, toilets, washing machines, and sink traps
v       Designate a neighbor, friend, or relative to visit and tour the dwelling at least weekly
v       Ensure gas tanks are scheduled for automatic fill, and accessible during periods of snowfall
v       Clear roof of snow periodically – reduce risk of ice backup or collapse
v       Install motion sensors to exterior lights

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