Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winterize Your Home

Yes, winter weather is upon us; here are a few simple steps to help you stay cozy indoors and save on heating costs, as well.
·          Have your heating system checked annually by a professional. This will ensure that your system is working safely and efficiently as well as save you money. If you heat by wood, clean your fireplace or stove. Checking the chimney flue for any buildup of creosote will lessen the risk of fire.
·          Make sure your home is properly insulated. This will help you to conserve energy and reduce your home’s power demands for heat.
·          Caulk and weather-strip doors and windowsills to keep out the cold air.
·          Cover windows with plastic from the inside or install storm windows to provide an extra layer of insulation.
·          Keep pipes from freezing by wrapping them in insulation or layers of old newspapers; cover the newspapers with plastic to keep out moisture; let faucets drip a little to avoid freezing; know how to shut off water valves.
·          Use a snow rake to remove excessive snow from roof.

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