Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Winter Driving Tips

Winter in Michigan brings every kind of driving condition, wet to slick to snow-covered roads, and downpours to white outs. Preparing your vehicle now will help ensure your vehicle is in good working order when you need it most.
·          Give yourself a cushion of time
·          Clear snow and ice from windows, lights, hood, and roof
·          Turn on your lights to increase visibility to others
·          Decrease speed on icy or snow-covered roads. Allow extra distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you
·          Stay well back of maintenance vehicles and snowplows – at least 200 feet (it’s the law) – and don’t pass on the right
·          Avoid abrupt lane changes. The passing lane may be in worse shape than the driving lane
·          Brake early and gently to avoid skidding
·          Do Not use cruise control or overdrive
·          Go slow. Drive defensively. Arrive safe

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